Sep 28, 20185 min

Why Go Solar? Because It's The Best Choice Considering...

Updated: Mar 9, 2019

Are you tired of rising electricity bills? Then solar power might be the best choice.

There’s more than just a few benefits with choosing solar though.

You're helping to save the environment by cutting down use of grid electricity. You also save money on the mounting energy costs that compound every year - just to name a few obvious benefits.

But if you’re wondering why you should go solar then the answer is simple: It’s the cheaper and the better option. But may want to understand all the benefits before making a decision so keep reading to learn the pro's of why you should go solar.

Save on Electric Bills

This is by far the most straightforward benefit of having solar energy system. Whether you lease or buy, your electricity costs will drop to the floor and you’ll have extra money in your pocket each month.

And since SunPower units are built to last, you stand to save on your electric bills for the 25-40 year life cycle of your solar unit.

Utility companies increase their rates every year due to inflation which means we can logically conclude that their rates will be enormous 25 years from now.

PG&E, for example, increases their rates 6% each year. So you not only save on your bills right now, but you don’t have to deal with paying 6% more each year either.

The higher the electricity rates in your area, the more you save since the energy from your local grid serves only as a backup.

Increase Property Value

It is common knowledge that solar energy can help you upgrade the value of your property. However, you might not be aware that you stand to increase your home equity by an average of 3-5%.

In environmentally friendly areas, homes with solar energy tend to be sold quickly at high prices since energy systems have factored their way into home appraisals.

Additionally, the demand for solar energy is just going to increase with more people becoming aware of its cost savings and environmental benefits. Solar systems on an average retain 97% of their value and add between $15,000-$25,000 to your homes value on average.

They Make Great Investments

The amount you save by way of rising electric and utility bills cover the cost of a unit in 7 – 8 years. What’s more? Over the following life cycle you get a ROI of 20% or more when you factor in the savings and value added to your home.

You’re essentially getting paid to use solar power right now.

Electricity is a commodity whose prices are pegged to increase every year. Solar electric systems, whether total installation or partial, saves you this amount now and in the future.

Even if the price of electricity didn’t change, the amount you invest today will surpass the amount you save by way of bills in the future.

Make Money with SREC

Solar renewable energy certificates (SREC) can add a sizable amount to your income if your area has an SREC market. Just one SREC can be worth as much as $300 when sold to utility companies and 2-6 SRECs can be generated from an average PV system each year.

Zero Impact of Rising Energy Prices

The best way to go solar is to connect your entire electric system to solar panels. This helps you get rid of utility bills or at least reduce them to almost nothing.

It also protects you from global energy price fluctuations that can make your utility bills shoot up. Power from coal, natural gas or oil is vulnerable to price fluctuations on the global market.

This makes your utility bill sensitive to rising prices.

Solar systems essentially set you free of dependence on electricity. However, if you don’t have solar batteries, you may need to use some grid electricity but it will be minimal compared to your homes previous requirements.

You can also better manage your finances when you know what your bill is each month. Unpredictable energy prices can ruin your budget when rates randomly spike or your energy usage goes higher than anticipated.

With solar energy units in place, you get to build your bill into your budget since solar panels have a fixed price each month.

Protect Your Planet

There is only one Earth and it is time that we protect it by saying no to carbon emissions.

According to U.S. Energy Information Administration 67% electricity is generated by burning fossil fuels. But you can reduce the carbon footprint by decreasing the energy you draw from the grid. The SEIA reported that 74 metric tons of CO2 emissions are offset each year by citizens switching to solar energy. This is equal to planting 1.9 billion trees and makes a huge difference on air quality over time.

Solar energy also helps save water in an indirect way.

Nuclear and coal plants draw enormous amounts of water to cool their systems. In fact, in 2015 the united states used 320 billion gallons (enough to fill 480,000 olympic swimming pools) on power. That’s a ton of water that’s getting used to generate energy. You can help save water for the coming generations by switching to solar energy.

Prevent Air Pollution

There is a reason why solar energy is dubbed as clean energy. Traditional methods of burning fossil fuels result in the release of toxic gases like nitrous and sulfur oxide.

These gases are linked to various respiratory diseases and lifestyle health conditions.

Solar energy systems generate clean energy. There's no harmful or noxious gases released in the air by installing panels and they don’t require input from outside sources (other than the sun) to generate the power. In fact, you protect the ecosystem by using solar power.

Become Energy Independent

Blackouts affect everyone without backup generators. You don’t have to be at the mercy of utility providers and blackouts though.

Sun is an infinite energy source that’s not going anywhere for many generations. By investing in solar units you can become totally energy independent or draw from the grid as needed.

You can also help to make the U.S. more energy independent by taking a small step and going solar yourself. If each of us just take control of our own homes, we can collectively insulate our country from rising global prices by becoming self-sufficient.

Battery for Emergencies

Solar energy systems need the sun's rays to work at full capacity (but that doesn't mean it needs to be hot). However, this doesn't mean that you’re powerless during the nights.

Solar energy systems can come with batteries that act as a power storage. Additionally, you’re still connected to the grid so you can draw power from the utility company if you need to.

Enjoy Tax Credits

The time to go solar is right now because you get 30% tax credit as a solar investment tax credit if you purchase your system. This means that the federal government will give you a 30% tax break on the cost of your system.

Think of it like a gift card from Uncle Sam that massively lowers your cost of going solar.

Incentives like this can help you increase your savings while investing in these units. You can even take advantage of state rebates and exemptions depending on the area of your residence.

Stay Ahead

Solar energy is the fuel of the future.

You can be future ready by investing in this technology now. And can stay ahead of the curve by making your home electricity independent.

You’ll save money, have a fixed bill each month, never be without power and they’ve come a long way in appearance so they won’t detract from your homes aesthetics. They’re a great purchase and require little or no maintenance for several decades.

Take Away

The right question is no longer "Why go solar?", the better question is, "why not go solar right now?"

Multiple benefits combined with efficient savings make ideal reasons to convert your home to solar sooner than later.

And with many leasing and purchasing options, almost every homeowner can go solar with little to no money out of pocket. Give us a call to get a free quote and see how much you can save on solar now.
